Monday, September 30, 2019

Reservoir Dogs

Reservoir Dogs Postmodernism theory when related to films can be described when the audience’s delay of skepticism is shattered, in order to free the audience’s grasp of the director’s work. Small changes are made to create a significant meaning in the audience’s mind. The director has created a piece of art that removes the audience from the conventional and emotional bond to the subject, creating a new perspective.Postmodern films apply the usage of four concepts: simulation, reusing styles, typically drawing irony to the new style; pre-fabrication, drawing a closer attention to already existing scenes and using them in the films narrative or dialogue; intertextuality, using text that has already been used and finally bricolage, creating a film based on a collage of various other film styles and genres. Quentin Tarantino, the famous film director, screenwriter, producer, cinematographer and actor followed his passion from an early age. He did not watch m ovies as a child and adolescent, but he made the films a large part of his life.Tarantino, though he may deny his films to fall in the category of postmodernism, portrays various genres and styles from other movies, typically of his childhood very well. Tarantino draws upon the genres of martial arts, kung fu, grind-house, and spaghetti western films. Typically starting his films, Tarantino opens with â€Å"Our Feature Presentation† drawing immediate attention to the audience, transporting them in time to their days of childhood and adolescents. A director is an artist, Tarantino, though he recreated previous works of other artists, is one too.He adds his own twist to his films, in order to create a new, distinctive and pioneering film. Tarantino uses the concept of bricolage to fuse genres together in an original fantasy-like story with exaggerated confrontation scenes and violence. Reservoir Dogs, directed and written by Quentin Tarantino first premiered in October 1992. It is about a group of criminals who where hired for a job to retrieve diamonds from a jewelry store. Things do not go as planned during the heist and the gang thinks that there may be a police mole among the group. But who could it be? Mr. Pink, Mr. Orange, Mr.White, Mr. Brown, Mr. Blue, Mr. Blonde, Nice Guy Eddie, or even head gang leader, Joe Cabot? Strangers to one another, Joe (Lawrence Tierney) assigns each member a color code alias. The opening scene is in a diner with all gang members sitting around a table, eating breakfast, while Mr. Brown (Quentin Tarantino) explains his interpretation of Madonna’s song ‘Like a Virgin’. The men continue to discuss the importance and the meanings of popular songs, especially bringing up songs of the 1970s. Though this dialogue is rather unimportant, it shows Tarantino’s intricate eye to detail.It is ironic to see Tarantino the one explaining Madonna’s song, for it is his intention to set the stage for the au dience’s interpretation of the film. Mr. Brown explains Madonna’s sexual encounters, as she continues to remember the first time she lost her virginity and the pain she had to encounter. Tarantino intends for Reservoir Dogs to have many interpretations, and one may consider that the gang members have to be redeemed through pain and suffering. The styles that we can see throughout the film use exaggerated confrontations and violence.After the diner scene, the film continues with a â€Å"Men in Black† take of the gangsters walking towards the camera. Mr. White (Harvey Keitel) and Mr. Orange (Tim Roth) are now on pursuit away from the heist, as things did not go as planned as the cops showed up unexpectedly. Running on foot, they stop a car and the owner and driver shoots Mr. Orange in the abdomen. For the remainder of the film, Mr. Orange laid on the floor of the warehouse bleeding profusely in excruciating pain. The pain that Mr. Orange faced throughout the film is the interpretation that Tarantino had intended to compare to the suffering of Madonna.Mr. Orange (Roth) was the undercover mole that was ordered to bust the head of operation, Joe Cabot (Tierney). Aside for Tarantino’s significance of popular songs, he also used images inter-dispersed throughout the film; Silver Surfer comic and the Get Christie Love! TV show. These are a few examples of how Reservoir Dogs falls into the category of being a postmodern film through the usage of image and text, posing as in intricate part to media and society. Reservoir Dogs, a postmodern film, includes the usage of criminals falling; indicating a crime and gangster movie.It also uses the formula of a western movie. Though, usually in a traditional western there is one individual who upholds law and order, Tarantino put a spin on western genres when including the style throughout his films. Reservoir Dogs use of western is slightly different, instead of one individual; there is a group of me n who try to restore order that has spun out of control to arrange a logical explanation and conclusion of who the possible informant might be. Tarantino is specific about his films, he does not intend for them to represent real life, but rather mimic other movies.In Reservoir Dogs initial scene, the men are sitting in the diner, a very similar scene to Woody Allen’s film Hannah and Her Sisters (1986) when they are sitting in a restaurant. Woody’s film is considered to be a romantic comedy drama, where Tarantino, though not considering Woody when creating the scene, did not create a romantic comedy drama film, but rather a film that fell into the category of crime, mystery and thriller. Quentin Tarantino pulls from previous artists, not only text and images, but also styles, such as cinematography. In Reservoir Dogs, Tarantino uses extreme conflict and intense violent scenes.Aside from the acting, Tarantino creates a character, Mr. Pink (Steve Buscemi), who is constant ly reminding the team that he is acting professional, while everyone else is fighting and not thinking of the future affects of their actions. Mr. Pink aside from being a â€Å"better† criminal, draws upon the belief that if you are not wearing a uniform you therefore fall into the â€Å"real person† category. Tarantino, throughout all his films, Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction (1996) and Kill Bill (2003; 2004) the assassins, criminals, and law enforcements are all distinguished by their uniforms.Those who are â€Å"real people† wear real, daily, regular clothing, nothing that is out of the ordinary. The gang members who work for Joe Cabot are all dressed in the classic black suits with white button down dress shirts and thin black ties. The cops are wearing the typical blue uniform. It is interesting to notice that Joe and his son, though apart of the gang operation do not wear the â€Å"uniform†. The majority of Reservoir Dogs takes place in the dingy ware house, where no gangster becomes a â€Å"real person†; they do not undress from their uniforms, therefore staying as a gangster.Though they do not succeed in becoming real people, they are redeemed of being a gangster through death, unlike Mr. Pink who runs out after they go on a â€Å"trigger happy frenzy† shooting one another. The idea of the members, including the cop that was taken hostage is a similar idea to William Shakespeare, who was considered an outstanding poet and playwright during the 16th century. Typically, at the end of the plays, Shakespeare would conclude that the characters all be killed. Tarantino, a rather outstanding director and writer, pulls from these great artists to create an even greater piece of work.Quentin Tarantino, considered a postmodern filmmaker, uses references to earlier films. He blends genres from A-Z. In Reservoir Dogs, he uses many references from the French new wave directors, who were highly influential to his Production Com pany as well as his work. Francois Truffaut and Jean-Luc Godard were influential; he named his production company â€Å"A Band Apart†. In Reservoir Dogs, Tarantino named the jewelry store â€Å"Karina’s† after Anna Karina, star from Bande apart (Band of Outsiders, 1964).Postmodernism is a concept that pulls from many genres, and it is Reservoir Dogs that Quentin Tarantino first begins his voyage as an up and coming director to use this style of creativity and expression. Today, we entertain ourselves with concerts, movie theater, broadways, radio, and television. It is these social medias that people like Quentin Tarantino create for our enjoyment. Pulling on our childhood memories, familiarity, comfort, and most importantly clues to other important images of our past, bring a deeper appreciation to the work and creativity that has been produced.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Electrical Conductors vs Insulators Essay

Every thing in the world is differentiable on the basis of its electrical conductance. Some things are called insulators and these substances never conduct electricity. they include things such as cold air,wood and plastic. Then there are things that conduct electricity and current flows through them, they are called conductors. examples of conductors are most metals like copper and steel. Other materials that are sometimes used as conductors are silver, gold, and aluminum. Copper is still the most popular material used for wires because it is a very good conductor of electrical current and it is fairly inexpensive when compared to gold and silver. Aluminum and most other metals do not conduct electricity quite as good as copper. The electrons of different types of atoms have different degrees of freedom to move around. With some types of materials, such as metals, the outermost electrons in the atoms are so loosely bound that they chaotically move in the space between the atoms of that material by nothing more than the influence of room-temperature heat energy. Because these virtually unbound electrons are free to leave their respective atoms and float around in the space between adjacent atoms, they are often called free electrons. Also, this relative mobility of electrons within a material is known as electric conductivity. Conductivity is determined by the types of atoms in a material (the number of protons in each atom’s nucleus, determining its chemical identity) and how the atoms are linked together with one another. Materials with high electron mobility (many free electrons) are called conductors, while materials with low electron mobility (few or no free electrons) are called insulators. Some substances that conduct at high temperatures are called semi conductors. they do not conduct as good as conductors but have various uses that make them more versatile than conductors themselves. Lastly, are materials of recent times, called superconductors, that at very low temperatures, such as 230 Kelvin, can conduct freely without any resistance whatsoever. The difference comes down to nothing more than how the electrons are arranged around the nucleus. The laws of quantum physics say that there are only specific bands (or tracks) in which any electron can travel. There are some interesting facts about these bands. First of all, only a very specific number of electrons can travel in each one; once it’s full, it’s full. Second, which track an electron is in corresponds to how much energy that electron has. And third, some of the bands are closer to each other than others. Different atoms have different numbers of electrons, and how those electrons are arranged in the bands defines whether a material made of those atoms will conduct. In every atom, the electrons get as close to the nucleus as possible, since the bands that are closest to the nucleus are also the ones that require the least energy. That means that the outermost shell might not be completely filled, and thus an electron from a nearby atom can join this atom in its outermost shell. these moving electrons create an electrical current. therefore we can say that atoms with empty spaces in the outermost electron bands are conductors. the materials with no empty spaces in the outermost electron band are insulators. They do not let electrons flow very easily from one atom to another. Insulators are materials whose atoms have tightly bound electrons. These electrons are not free to roam around and be shared by neighboring atoms. However there are materials that fall in between conductors and insulators. Their conductance is in between metals and insulators. And their conductance can be modified by shining a light on them or injecting charges. They’re known as semiconductors. They are mostly made of atoms that don’t conduct electricity, but they have a handful of atoms with loose electrons. Under certain circumstances — by changing things like temperature or how much energy is injected — these loose electrons will start a flowing current. Superconductors are very different from the first three, since no material known today superconducts except at very cold temperatures. Scientists are discovering materials that do superconduct closer and closer to room temperature all the time, but no one is quite sure how that happens. However, some scientists have come up with a theory for how the very coldest superconductors work, known as the BCS theory. In such materials, at low temperatures, the atoms vibrate in a way that forces the moving electrons closer together. Normally electrons don’t like to huddle so close, since they’re all electrically negative and therefore repel each other. But in superconductors, the electrons actually achieve almost an attraction for each other. The result is that as one electron moves, it pulls the next electron along right behind it. Electrons slip from atom to atom more easily than they ever do normally. Therefore, atoms which, at the right temperature, can make electrons attract instead of repel each other are superconductors. In a conductor, electric current can flow freely, in an insulator it cannot. Metals such as copper typify conductors, while most non-metallic solids are said to be good insulators, having extremely high resistance to the flow of charge through them. Conductor† implies that the outer electrons of the atoms are loosely bound and free to move through the material. Most atoms hold on to their electrons tightly and are insulators. In copper, the valence electrons are essentially free and strongly repel each other. Any external influence which moves one of them will cause a repulsion of other electrons which propagates, â€Å"domino fashion† through the conductor. Simply stated, most metals are good electrical conductors, most nonmetals are not. Metals are also generally good heat conductors while nonmetals are not. While the normal motion of â€Å"free† electrons in a conductor is random, with no particular direction or speed, electrons can be influenced to move in a coordinated fashion through a conductive material. This uniform motion of electrons is what we call electricity, or electric current. To be more precise, it could be called dynamic electricity in contrast to static electricity, which is an unmoving accumulation of electric charge. Just like water flowing through the emptiness of a pipe, electrons are able to move within the empty space within and between the atoms of a conductor. The conductor may appear to be solid to our eyes, but any material composed of atoms is mostly empty space! The liquid-flow analogy is so fitting that the motion of electrons through a conductor is often referred to as a â€Å"flow. † With electricity, the overall effect from one end of a conductor to the other happens at the speed of light: a swift 186,000 miles per second!!! Each individual electron, though, travels through the conductor at a much slower pace. Effects on conductance: Different conductors have different levels of conductance. Silver is the best conductor, offering easier passage for electrons than any other material cited. Dirty water and concrete are also listed as conductors, but these materials are substantially less conductive than any metal. Physical dimension also impacts conductivity. For instance, if we take two strips of the same conductive material — one thin and the other thick — the thick strip will prove to be a better conductor than the thin for the same length. If we take another pair of strips — this time both with the same thickness but one shorter than the other — the shorter one will offer easier passage to electrons than the long one. Most metals become poorer conductors when heated, and better conductors when cooled.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Business Policy

Produce a high quality products * Diversity and variety in products offered * Large market share (16% of global footwear market) * Major sponsor for a number of global sporting events * Purchasing of Reebok * Adidas has a Global Presence with over 2400 stores worldwide in a variety of regions. These alone account for nearly â‚ ¬2. 8bil. * Famous sports stars advertising products – Adidas has a series of football superstars who wear and advertise their products, including David Beckham, Zinedine Zidane, Stephen Gerrard etc. Weaknesses High prices in some products * Online customer service not helpful or easy to find * Not utilizing Reebok * Stiff competition and similar big brands means customers have high brand switching * The products can sometimes be costly due to innovative technology or production method * E-commerce is limited to USA Opportunities * Entering the Asian market, China is the fastest growing economy in the world. * Entering the female market * Social trend and popularity of social media sites such as Facebook, allowing Adidas to interact directly and build relationships with potential and current customers. Sponsorship of global sports events which improves the company’s global brand. These include an 11 year sponsorship on the NBA, the 2012 GB Olympic Games and the continued sponsorship of the FIFA WC. * Tie-up with emerging sports teams/clubs/players internationally * Collaborate with other online retailers to offer Adidas products Threats * Nike competition. Nike has strong reputation in the footwear and apparel industry * Global economic downturn. * Increase in the Price of Raw materials * Competition from designers such as Hugo Boss and Lacoste. * fake imitations affect brand image

Friday, September 27, 2019

The Cask of Amontillado Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The Cask of Amontillado - Essay Example Figurative enclosure began with the reader, drawn by Montresor into his space, assuming collusion and sympathy: "You, who so well know the nature of my soul" (Poe, 1090), tells the reader "you are with me in this, you understand." Fortunato was trapped too, by his greed and vanity, and into placing himself in the trap. Montresor was also enclosed in his world of paranoia and revenge, a loner who perceived himself superior, who had no rational cause to kill. The absence of real motive here showed a mind locked into a cold, psychotic personality. He did not explain, "The thousand injuries of Fortunato I had borne", but provided glimpses of a focused, calculated, mental derangement in "I must not only punish, but punish with impunity." (Poe, 1090). If Montresor was mad, then he was locked in that space, without human feelings, taking victim and reader with him, to the horrific reality of a living death, enclosed in the catacomb walls. These and the journey to them, represented a metaphor for the convoluted workings of a deranged mind, while focusing on themes, plot, action and resolution. Literal, real enclosed spaces become smaller and more threatening, reaching the horrific climax.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

It's All in the Milieu Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

It's All in the Milieu - Essay Example In most of these cases major changes are made to the text to render it into film in the first place, and then when a second film adaptation is made. The Lord of the Rings, for instance, left entire sequences of the film out, such as the adventure to Tom Bombadil, drastically changed the age of the characters (reducing Frodo’s age from 50 to 30), changed their motivations (having Faromir fall the same way Boromir did) and so on (Tolkein 1955). These changes are made for a number of reasons, including needing to cut down from a novel to a film, to create suspense, or so on. Rarely, however, a book can so readily be made into a film, that these changes are unneccsary. Such was the case with Psycho, its Alfred Hitchcock adaption, and the remake of that film Psycho (1968). While most elements of these three works were nearly identical they are perceived very differently: Alfred Hitchock’s Psycho is hailed as a masterpiece, while the 1998 remake has been widely panned. This d emonstrates that each story must exist in its time and its place, and something removed from its milieu will be entire unsuccessful. The plot of all three works is largely identical. In each case, a woman, Marion, steals a large sum of money, finds herself at a lonely hotel, and is then murdered by a mysterious character – ostensibly the proprietors mother (Bloch 1959, Hitchcock 1960, Van Sant 1998). When the woman’s family gets worried, they go looking for her, hiring a detective to discover what happened to her. This detective gets murdered by the same figure (Bloch 1959, Hitchcock 1960, Van Sant 1998), with the hotel proprietor still covering up his mother’s actions. The family then investigates for themselves, eventually finds the mother is in fact the son’s delusion, as his mother died in a murder-suicide years before, and that the proprietor, Bates, has been living in a codependent relationship with his dead mother ever since (Bloch 1959, Hitchcock 1960, Van Sant 1998). This novel did not have to be adapted significantly for the screen: the only major changes made were the methods of killing, with the decapitation of the novel usually being replaced by a stabbing off screen in the film versions, which presumably would add to the horror but reduce the gore, which can be much more impactful on screen, and would detract from the psychological nature of the story (Bloch 1959, Hitchcock 1960, Van Sant 1998). That the novel is close to the film versions is not surprising – close remakes can often be accomplished in the case of short novels and excellent film-makers, such as with Jurassic Park, (or, indeed, many other Michael Crichton novels). What is surprising, however, is that the two films were so similar – the 1998 film was virtually a shot-for-shot remake of the 1960 film. They both used the same screenplay by Joseph Stefano (IMDB 2012a), and thus were identical in terms of words, but Van Sant also mirrored almost every camera motion that Hitchcock made. The only differences came in a small number of shots: the opening shot of the Hitchcock film, for instance, was a long zoom that had many fades separating individual zoom sequences, while the Van Sant film was a single long zoom: this was changed because Hitchcock’s original desire was to have a single long shot, but this was not possible based on technology of the time, while in 1998 it had become possible

The history of lynchings in the united states between 1882 and 1930 Research Paper

The history of lynchings in the united states between 1882 and 1930 - Research Paper Example This traditional narrative, for all its tragedy, excluded the White males, White females, and black females who were also lynching victims and took for granted the dynamic part of White women in supporting or opposing mob violence. Moreover, Black women were completely absent in the mainstream lynching narrative (Logan, 1999). However, as this paper argues, Black women belonging to the middle class, headed by Ida B. Wells, became the most expressive and bold detractors of lynching. The work of Ida Wells against lynching provokes a re-evaluation of the extraordinary influence of Black women on structured campaign against lynching. Ida’s revolutionary analysis of the politics of race and gender and her worldwide exposure crusade signified a radical deviation to the public role of Black women. It initiated the presence of feminization within American reform that oriented its critical tendencies into a more cultivated type of women’s position (Logan, 1999). The campaign of Black women against lynching by the 1920s, even though remained public, was influenced more powerfully by sexuality and gendered practices of women’s society, evangelicalism, charity, and the expression of motherhood and womanhood (Loewenberg & Bogin, 1976), all uniquely dissimilar from the prior campaign of Ida. The lynchings of Will Stewart, Calvin McDowell, and Thomas Moss in 1892 were not an issue for their uncommonness: in 1892, hundreds of Blacks were murdered by furious mobs for suspected crimes against White people (Brundage, 1997, 295). The site of the lynchings in Tennessee was not noteworthy; seventeen Black people from Tennessee were lynched in 1892 and forty-six Blacks had died in a race disturbance in Memphis in 1866 (Brundage, 1997, 295). The three casualties took particular relevance mainly due to their influence on Ida Wells as a young writer. She was well acquainted with the three men. Infuriated by the death of her comrades, Ida mustered her great gifts and efforts to

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Insurance companies Finances Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Insurance companies Finances - Coursework Example The organization will also be able to save the cost of loans which they would have otherwise opted for. The demand of current assets in the organization can be efficiently met by investing the unassigned surplus in the right area. The properties maintained by the business organizations are insured to adhere to the safety standards. The insurance of the properties involve a premium and are known as property insurance premium. The systematic methods of calculating these types of insurance premium fall under different ‘classes’ and these classes have different eligibility criteria. Properties with risky factors or having disputed issues, and properties specially protected are not generally eligible for the class ratings. For these types of cases, insurance premiums are specially rated. The rates used are specifically for those assets which are determined by physical inspection. The method of class rating is based on the assumption that the future losses to be insured will be determined largely by some sort of factors. The major classification factors in homeowners insurance include construction material, age of the home and protective devices like smoke detectors and fire extinguishers. One of the major advantages of class ratings is that it is easy to apply. Premium quotations of the ratings can also be quickly obtained. It is also known as Manual Rating. These rating are mainly used in homeowners insurance, private passenger auto insurance, workers compensation, and life & health insurance. Compensation Insurance Fund considers the following items when establishing a merit rating for a policy. They are classification evaluation, management business practices, and management safety practices Classification Evaluation: This category evaluates any changes in the operations of the employer when compared to the other operations normally contemplated within the same classification. The process of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Policy Statements Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Policy Statements - Coursework Example According to the report findings  the public and community interest and involvement in major decision making process is also very important in policy statement especially the educational policy statements. The policy statement formulation should also define various tasks to be accomplished at the end of its implementation phase.   There are various strategies that can be used for successful implementation of policy statement and this should be properly laid down by the governing body formulating the policy statement. The various steps that the policy will take from its formulation to implementation should also be properly outlined in the policy making process. It is also important that a policy statement should consist of various aspects such as the main reason for its action plan.This study highlights that  the policy should also outline a number of guidelines describes the terms of employment conditions. In addition, a sound policy statement should also provide and describes the various relevant authorities regarding the institution or organization in question.  The policy statement must also describe the goals, aims, mission, vision as well as objectives of the institution of concern.  The policy statement can also include both long term and short term goals of the school organization.   This paper will provide a review on the policy statement of the educational systems in the United States.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Mixed Economies Coursework

Role of Public-Private Partnerships in Mixed Economies - Coursework Example This paper offers a comprehensive analysis of effective cooperation in a form of PPP between UK government and NATS Holdings Limited, the renowned service provider in the field of air navigation. The perception of mixed economy is principally described as a financial system that comprises a mix of both collectivism and capitalism notions. A capitalist system is primarily based upon personal profits, private ownerships, labours and investments. On the contrary, a socialist arrangement typically involves the financial activities that are regulated as well as controlled publicly by the active engagement of planning councils along with different governmental bodies Mixed economy type generally embraces an amalgamation of private financial freedom and centralised monetary planning along with governmental regulations Certain crucial factors like globalisation, extreme business market competition and internationalisation have ultimately urged the importance of conducting the PPP approach by a significant level. It has been often argued in this regard that public services require becoming more innovative for the purpose of developing the lifestyle of the individuals or the people belonging to this contemporary world and most vitally, to enhance economies of dissimilar nations. One of the innovative practices adopted as well as executed by NATS is conducting the PPP approach with motive of enhancing its financial position. The significant concern of partnership working has become much significant in delivering effectual public services. ... These benefits might include generating greater monetary value, delivering different sorts of projects in an effective as well as timely manner, effectively exploiting the state assets and resources, generating diversity along with innovation especially in the stipulation of public services (RPA, 2008). Furthermore, the other benefits that can be availed from establishing PPP comprise accessing better finance towards private sectors, raising lucidity in the operational procedures while undertaking any sort of project and most vitally delivering superior infrastructure related solutions (Dept of Economic Affairs, 2011). With this concern, this paper intends to analyse a PPP with reference to the example of NATS Holdings Limited applying certain significant aspects grounded on the arguments revealing that pubic services need to be more innovative and the idea concerning partnership working has become much important, especially when concerning the deliverance of effective public service s. A Brief Overview of NATS Holdings Limited NATS Holdings Limited, which was previously acknowledged as National Air Traffic Services, is viewed as one the foremost service providers relating to air navigation in the United Kingdom (UK). The vision of the company has been to become a worldwide leader in the business segment of offering pioneering solutions linked with air-traffic and airport performance as well (NATS Limited, 2013). It has been apparently observed that the business market concerning the services relating to air-traffic is incessantly transforming due to extensive long-term growth in the sector of aviation both nationally and internationally. Thus, it

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Microsoft Case Essay Example for Free

The Microsoft Case Essay Why was Microsoft investigated for antitrust behavior? Microsoft is a huge, established, well known computer software manufacturer. They were investigated for antitrust behavior after allegedly abusing their powerful position as the leading suppliers of computer operating systems. Microsoft developed a monopoly market structure because the software which they created was only compatible with Microsoft Windows operating systems. Back when the internet was introduced to the public, Microsoft provided Internet Explorer for free, bundled with Windows operating systems. This was a strategy to eliminate any competitors so they were obviously not perfectly competitive, therefore their case involved imperfect competition. Microsoft’s monopoly was protected by the applications barrier to entry so many competitors feared to try to enter the market. Microsoft also had the ability to increase their prices above marginal costs without losing many customers so they were the price makers, and they also had market power. With that being said, some people may say that Microsoft was a pure monopoly because they were the sole producers of the computer software market and there were no close substitutes. On the other hand, some may say that Microsoft was a natural monopoly because they earned their powerful position by over driving their free market competitors. Before Microsoft grew so big, there were some economic observers that claimed that economies of scale would give Microsoft an unassailable lead that would result in monopoly. (Economides, 2003) I agree that Microsoft was trying to gain monopoly power in the computer software industry due to all of the evidence. Microsoft totally dominated the computer software industry for which they had great strategies to do so. Monopolies can cause many negative effects on our economy such as higher prices, less jobs, it can put other companies out of business, and it can cause producers to be intimidated to enter the same industry. Monopolies can also cause productive inefficiency, allocated inefficiency, diseconomies of scale, and x inefficiency. However, a monopoly can be a good thing, especially for a business. Being the leader or the giant of a particular industry can make owners, managers, and employees feel  very secure with their company. Although a monopoly can cause overpricing, it can also cause price reduction for which would cause other companies to not be able to compete. A monopoly can also be a good thing because the high profit can be used to fund research capital investment spending. Lastly, economies of scale, international competition, and they have the power to be the price makers.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Double Skin Facades In High Rise Building Engineering Essay

Double Skin Facades In High Rise Building Engineering Essay Abstract: Double skin faà §ade systems are increasingly used in High rise buildings across the world. It is more commonly use in high-end architecture of European and Pacific Rim countries. The growing architectural trend is driven mostly by (Poirazis,2004)1: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The reduction of energy use during the occupation stage of a building à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The aesthetic desire for a fully glazed faà §ade that leads to increased transparency à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The practical need for improved indoor environment, lesser reliance on artificial plant à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The need for improving the acoustic performance of buildings located in noise polluted areas 1. Poirazis, Harris. (2004). Double Skin Facades for Office Buildings, Literature Review, Lund Institute of Technology Web address: This essay attempts to study the Classification of Double Skin Facades, its advantages and disadvantages, and discuss on its application in high rise building and evaluate the benefits and limitations. Introduction The Double Skin Faà §ade is an envelope construction covering one or multiple storey, which consists of two pieces transparent glass layers separated by a intermediate cavity. Air ventilation strategy can be take place through the intake and air outlet on the external glazing. In the cavity, sun-shading louvers and thermal insulation devices are sometime installed to control the solar heat gain to improve the indoor environment. The BBRI, (BBRI, 2002) includes in the Source book a satisfactory description of the structure of a Double Skin Faà §ade System.The layers of the faà §ade are described below2: 2. Belgian Building Research Institute (BBRI) (2002). Source book for a better understanding of conceptual and operational aspects of active facades. Department of Building Physics, Indoor Climate and Building Services, Belgian Building Research Institute. Version no 1. Web address: à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Exterior Glazing: Usually it is a hardened single glazing. This exterior faà §ade can be fully glazed. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Interior glazing: Insulating double glazing unit (clear, low E coating, solar control glazing, etc can be used). Almost always this layer is not completely glazed. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The air cavity between the two panes. It can be totally natural, fan supported or mechanically ventilated. The width of the cavity can vary between 200 mm to more than 2m according to the function of the applied concept. This width influence the way that the faà §ade is maintained. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ The interior window can be opened by the user. This may allow natural ventilation of the offices. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Automatically controlled solar shading is integrated inside the air cavity. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ As a function of the faà §ade concept and of the glazing type, heating radiators can be installed next to the faà §ade. History of the Double Skin Faà §ade The history of Double Skin Facades can be trace back to end of 19th century. According to Saelens (2002), the early version of a mechanically ventilated multiple skin faà §ade was created around 1849. Jean-Baptiste Jobard at that time director of the industrial Museum in Brussels, mentioned how in winter hot air should be circulated between two glazing, while in summer it should be cold air. Crespo claims that a double skin curtain wall appears in 1903 in the Steiff Factory in Giengen, Germany. It is possibly the prototype of, at least, is more close to the modern double skin faà §ade system. She describes that: The priorities were to maximize daylighting while taking into account the cold weather and the strong winds of the region. The solution was a three storey structure with a ground floor for storage space and two upper floors used for work areas. The building was a success and two additions were built in 1904 and 1908 with the same Double Skin system, but using timber instead of steel in the structure for budget reasons. All buildings are still in use. Moving to the 20th century, with improved technology meant that the size and number of openings were no longer limited by structural considerations of the past. large glazed facade are able to construct but it is still very much limited by building physics and experiencing thermal comfort. At that time, fully glazed buildings have problem of summer overheating and heat losses and problematic condensation, lots of energy is used by mechanical plant in the operation state of the building. The outbreak of oil crises in 1973 1979 bring greater awareness on energy consumption. Innovative improvements on insulating glazing such as the addition of low-emissivity coatings and inert gas filled cavities were made. In the1990s a further breakthrough on insulation glazing was achieved with the development of spectrally selective glazing, electro-chromic and photo-chromic glazing. However, these products are unlikely available in short run as they are expensive. In contrast, double skin facades offer us a cheaper and more flexible way of achieving comfortable internal environment through a combined system of components, allowing the regulation of heat, cold, light noise with low energy consumption. Classification of Double Skin Facades There are numerous way of classification on Double Skin Faà §ade due to the variation in type of construction, the origin, destination and type of the air flow in the cavity, etc. Battle McCarthy, the Environmental Engineering firm in Great Britain created a categorization of five primary types (plus sub-classifications) based on commonalities of faà §ade configuration and the manner of operation. 3 These are: 3. Battle McCarthy website. Category A: Sealed Inner Skin: subdivided into mechanically ventilated cavity with controlled flue intake versus a ventilated and serviced thermal flue. Category B: Openable Inner and Outer Skins: subdivided into single story cavity height versus full building cavity height. Category C: Openable Inner Skin with mechanically ventilated cavity with controlled flue intake Category D: Sealed Cavity, either zoned floor by floor or with a full height cavity. Category E: Acoustic Barrier with either a massive exterior envelope or a lightweight exterior envelope. Belgian Building Research Institute Study (BBRI, 2002) investigate the potential of active facades, the related problems and risks in order to devise guidance in standardisation and technical approvals. They developed a classification system to describe different double-skin faà §ade configurations based on a database of case-studies2. 2. Belgian Building Research Institute (BBRI) (2002). Source book for a better understanding of conceptual and operational aspects of active facades. Department of Building Physics, Indoor Climate and Building Services, Belgian Building Research Institute. Version no 1. Web address: One storey height facade The air cavity is divided horizontally and vertically into small and independent facade modules. Naturally ventilated double facades with one storey height facade modules are also known as a Box window type. Corridor facade Corridor facade is divided at every storey, the cavity is going horizontally along the building. Partition is used for acoustical, fire security or ventilation reasons. Multiple storey facades Multiple storey facades are not divided vertically or horizontally. The air cavity continues throughout the whole facade with maintenance grids at the every level to allowing circulation. The air cavity ventilation is realised via large openings near the floor and the roof of the building. Shaft-box facades Shaft box facades are very similar in nature to the one-storey height module. A series of box type window modules in the facade which are connected via vertical shafts. Air are being drawn from the box windows by stack effect into the vertical shafts and emitted from top. Advantages of the Double Skin Faà §ade The passive design strategies of double skin faà §ade bring natural ventilation, day lighting and solar heat gain into the fabric of the high-rise building, thus bringing energy efficiency and comfort to the inhabitant. Natural Ventilation: One of the main advantages of the Double Skin Faà §ade system is that it allows the inhabitant access to natural ventilation with protection against the weather and burglar. The cavity is a key component in the system as it allows natural fresh air to enter into the building to cool and ventilate the space. Natural ventilation is make possible even in the higher levels of a high-rise building due to the addition of extra layer of glass which helps to reduce the wind pressure. Natural ventilation of fresh air is much more preferable than air from mechanical sources as it will help to reduce the energy cost. During the hot summer nights, Double Skin Facades can also provide natural night ventilation, thus making the indoor temperatures lower during the early morning hours providing thermal comfort and improved air quality for the office occupants. In this way lesser energy is use in air-conditioning thus reducing the CO2 output of the building. Day lighting: Day lighting is important element in the design of High rise building as it reduces the energy consumption of electrical lightings. Moreover, the quality of natural lighting is preferable to electrical lighting. The large area of glazing coverage in double skin faà §ade maximises the daylighting into the space. Good lighting of the workplace is one of the main factors of indoor comfort that can positively influence health and productivity of office personnel. Natural light, its variations and its spectral composition are of great importance for well-being and mental health. Natural light is a fundamental component of our life, helping our body to produce vitamin D, an important anticancer element. 5 5. Harvard University Massachusetts Institution of Technology However, The increased coverage of glazed faà §ade brings excessive glare and heat during the hotter times. Solar shading devices are require to decrease solar heat gain and reduce the amount of glare. Thermal Insulation and Solar Heat Gain: Double Skin Faà §ade System can provide greater thermal insulation to the high rise building over the year with its outer skin. Solar heat gain is controlled through the use of shading devices and the air in cavity also help to absorb some of the incoming solar radiation. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ During the winter the external layer of glass reduce the external heat transfer rate to provide improved insulation. Heat transfer rate is further reduced due to the increse in temperature when cavity is partially or completely closed. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ During the summer the warm air inside the cavity can be extracted by naturally or mechanically ventilation. The airflow of the air inside the cavity is very much depend on the size of opening and temperature of the cavity. A carefully selection on the combination of the type of the glass panes and the shading devices types is very important as it prevents overheat in the cavity and the interior space and also to achieve good ventilation. In a highly glazed building, external Shading devices are use to reducing solar heat gain and heat entering into the interior. Shading devices can be fixed or operable. Operable units allow the occupant to control environment to meet their desire. They are normally installed in the outer half of Double Skin Faà §ade, typically horizontal blinds. The horizontal blind allows day lighting penetration and maintaining some of the view of outside. Acoustic insulation: Double skin faà §ade provides acoustic insulation to the building from external sources. The cavity act as air barrier to reduce the external noise pollution. A reduction of 20dB by double skin faà §ade at mid frequencies was reported by Chiang et al. (2004) 6 However, the number of openings and the type of Double Skin Faà §ade will also determine the effectiveness of the sound insulation. Chiang, W-H., Chao, Y-N. Wu, C-J., 2004, Sound Insulation of Double Skin Faà §ade Transparency: Double skin facades fully glazed faà §ade bring more transparency to the building with more natural day lighting and views of exterior. For years, the Architects and the developer has always wanted a transparent building. but in the same time energy efficient. Energy savings: Double Skin Faà §ades can save energy significantly. The system minimises solar loading at the perimeter of buildings, thus less electricity costs is used to cool the building. Natural ventilation also further reduces the energy used in mechanical air supply. Disadvantages of the Double Skin Faà §ade There are always debates on the benefits of the double skin system. The Pro camp claims the systems to be environmentally responsible as double skin system help to save energy cost. However the Con camp states that areas such as maintenance, life-cycle/durability of the system, mechanical costs and operation cost also need to take into account. The disadvantages of Double Skin Faà §ade are described below: Higher construction and additional maintenance costs: Comparing the Double Skin facade and the conventional cladding systems. Double Skin facade has higher construction costs due to the additional construction cost of the outer layer, mechanical and supporting structure. It also require higher skill workman. With the additional layer of skin, the weight of the buildings structure loading is also increase, so as the construction cost of the building. Double Skin type also has higher cost during the operation of the building. More costs will be added in maintenance such as cleaning, servicing. Reduction of rentable office space: As the width of the intermediate cavity of Double Skin Faà §ade can vary from 20 cm to several meters (Uuttu, 2001), this results to the loss of useful space and rental. It is quite important to find the optimum depth of the faà §ade so as not to lose valuable space. Overheating problems: If the Double Skin Faà §ade system is not properly designed. The temperature of air in the cavity will likely to be increased in the hot summer days and resulting in overheating of the interior space. To avoid overheating, the minimum width between the internal and external pane should not be less than 200 mm (Jager,2003) Double Skin Faà §ades in High-Rise Buildings: High-rise office tower with fully glaze facade is a major consumer of energy. However, double skin faà §ades passive energy concepts and design strategies have increased the potential of high-rise building to come closer with sustainable architecture. In terms of climatic control, double skin faà §ades allow the occupants to take better control of internal environment. The heating and lighting requirements could be adjusted according to occupants needs by controlling the operable windows for natural ventilation and the shading device to modify the incoming solar radiation. The GSW Headquarters building is a good example of architecture that uses double skin faà §ade to achieve sustainability (Note: Plan image north is down) Image from Flickr: Uploaded by  runningforasthma The plan demonstrates how the new 515,000 sf connects to the existing  building with the new core leaving a 36 foot clear lease span. This depth with the large glass area results in excellent daylighting characteristics. Building Name GSW Headquarters Architect Sauerbruch Hutton Location Berlin GSW Headquarters consists of existing tower, three-story street-oriented bar, and new 22-storey, 11-m wide office tower building, which is the most important aspect to present the sustainable concept. In response to urban and functional conditions, the major axis of the building faces east and west, a double skin is provided on the west faà §ade: a single-glazed weather screen suspended 1m from the internal double pane windows, which acts a thermal buffer to protect heat loss and a thermal flue drawing air through the building. The second layer of automation is the colourful, perforated aluminium shading panels within the west double skin cavity manage solar heat gain and day lighting. The louvers also can be manually adjustable by the occupants but protects against the direct sunlight in the afternoon. On the east faà §ade, automatically and manually-operated triple-glazed windows with between-pane blinds allows fresh air enter into the building to create cross ventilation. Fresh air is also admitted independently from the window with the exterior louvered metal panels provided on the east faà §ade. In hot summer season, the operable window of the double skin facade is closed resulting in increasing of temperature inside the cavity. warm air is being channel to central plant via riser for heat recovery. Arup  who engineered the building claims the goal to achieve energy savings of 30-40% in comparison to an ordinary building. And because of the cross ventilation created by the flue effect, mechanical ventilation is no longer required 70% the year. Conclusions Double Skin Faà §ades are increasing incorporate into high rise building to achieving greater transparency, acceptable indoor environment as well as reducing energy consumption. Double Skin Faà §ades is the by far the only system at present that offers a range of natural ventilation strategies to the occupants. From economical point of view, Double Skin Faà §ades does not score well due to its high construction cost and additional maintenance and operational costs. However, Double Skin Faà §ades fair better when we look at social and environmental aspect. Double Skin Faà §ades provide better day lighting, solar control and access to natural ventilation, creating better working environment for the employee and increase the productivity. However Double Skin Facades are not suitable in every part of the world. They are highly depending on the outdoor conditions such as solar radiation, outdoor temperature, etc as the outside conditions have great influence on the indoor environment. Thus, each Double Skin Faà §ade has to be designed according to different constraints such as: climate condition (solar radiation, outdoor temperature, etc), site conditions (latitude, local daylight availability, atmospheric conditions, exterior obstructions, ground reflectance, etc), building usage (operating hours, occupants tasks, etc). A thorough investigates and ability to control these environmental aspects inevitably leads to increased energy efficiency.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Schizophrenia And Its Treatments :: Disorder Illness Schizophrenic Medical Essays

Schizophrenia And Its Treatments Schizophrenia is a devastating brain disorder affecting people worldwide of all ages, races, and economic levels. It causes personality disintegration and loss of contact with reality (Sinclair). It is the most common psychosis and it is estimated that one percent of the U.S. population will be diagnosed with it over the course of their lives (Torrey 2). Recognition of this disease dates back to the 1800's when Emil Kraepelin concluded after a comprehensive study of thousands of patients that a "state of dementia was supposed to follow precociously or soon after the onset of the illness." Eugene Bleuler, a famous Swiss psychiatrist, coined the term "schizophrenia," referring to what he called the "splitting of the various psychic functions" (Honig 209-211). Having a "split personality" is often incorrectly associated with schizophrenia. Possessing multiple personalities on different occasions is a form of neurosis vice psychosis (Chapman). Symptoms most commonly associated with schizophrenia include delusions, hallucinations, and thought disorder (Torrey 1). Delusions are irrational ideas, routinely absurd and outlandish. A patient may believe that he or she is possessed of great wealth, intellect, importance or power. Sometimes the patient may think he is George Washington or another great historical person (Chapman). Hallucinations are common, particularly auditory, as voices in the third person or commenting upon the patient's thoughts and actions (Arieti). Persons may also hear music or see nonexistent images (Sinclair). Schizophrenic thought disorder is the diminished ability to think clearly and logically (Torrey 2). Many times, schizophrenics invent new words (called neologisms) with unique meanings (Chapman). Often it is apparent by disconnected and meaningless language that renders the person incapable of participating in conversation and contributing to his alienation from his family, friends, and society (Torrey 2). There appears to be three major subtypes of Schizophrenia: paranoid, hebephrenic, and catatonic. Delusions, often of prosecution, are prominent in the paranoid type (Arieti). Hebephrenic schizophrenia is characterized by thought disorder, chaotic language, silliness, and giggling (Eysenck, Arnold, and Meili 961-962). In the catatonic form, the person may sit, stand, or lie in fixed postures or attitudes for weeks or months on end. The person may also have a symptom known as "waxy flexibility" in which the victim will maintain positions of the body in which he is put for long periods of time, even if they are uncomfortable (Arieti). There have been many theories to explain what causes schizophrenia. Heredity, stress, medical illness, and physical injury to the brain are all thought to be factors but research has not yet pinpointed the specific combination of factors that produce the disease (Sinclair). While schizophrenia can affect anyone at any point in

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Analysis of Ma Jodes Character in The Grapes Of Wrath :: essays research papers

For this essay on John Steinbeck’s The Grapes of Wrath, I have chosen to do a character analysis. The character that I chose is Ma Jode. I have chosen Ma Jode, because I think she is one or the most important characters in the book. Ma Jode is the most important character because she is very strong-minded. Ma and the family know that she is the backbone of the family and she is very strong-minded, so if she shows any concern or weakness, the family may fall apart. If there is anything on Ma’s mind she must not show any sign of it around the family. Ma might be just as frightened with doubts and fear as the rest of the family, but she always maintains a strong figure or leader. In order for things to go Ma’s way, she must push for them. There are many situations were Ma has to push and put order back and continue strong leader as she is displayed as. An example of were Ma must stay strong is when the family agrees to let Tom and Casey stay behind, to fix the Wilson’s car, without her approval, and she thinks that that will break up the family. After that incident, she pretty much replaces Pa’s place as the head of the family. Another big situation is when she is threatening a police man with a pan, and she tells the family there leaving the government camp. Pa’s gets pissed because his power became lessened due to Ma’s leadership, Pa says â€Å"Seems like the times are changing.† Ma’s loves her family so much that she often sacrifices he own well being to help out the family in any way that she can possible do it. An example of her doing so, is when Grandma is dying. The family stops at the boarder of California and she fears that if the guard know the grandma is dead, they wont let them in, so she lies to the guard and tell them that grandma is very sick and she needs to see a doctor. Ma sits next to grandma for the rest of the night. That is a big sacrifice for the family, because she had to lay next to a dead person all night just to get her family through to California. During the hole journey for the Jode family Ma is the strongest, and upheld character of the book.

Urine Therapy :: Health Medicine Papers

Urine Therapy At the end of the winter of 1996, something historic occurred. During that February in India, the First World Conference on Urine Therapy took place. Scholars around the world gathered together to discuss the age-old practice of "urine therapy." Although urine therapy had been around for thousands of years, it had fallen into obscurity over the last century. Now, urine therapy was officially back in business. So what exactly was this alternative practice that dealt with one’s own bodily fluid? And how does it help? What are the claims of effectiveness? What does the scientific and medical world have to say about it? How does it work? Does it work? These, were the questions that demanded discussion. What is urine therapy? The basic definition of "urine therapy" is using (your own) urine internally or externally as a way to aid or sustain your health. Urine therapy, which includes drinking, injecting, massaging with-, and/or bathing in- urine, is an ancient practice that is used today, not only in times of sickness, but also in times of good health for preventive health maintenance. It has been claimed to have proven helpful in a great number of varying illnesses, ranging from a simple cold and a throat-ache, to tuberculosis and asthma, from minor skin problems such as itching to major skin problems such as eczema, psoriasis and even skin cancer. But you probably ask, "How can your own urine benefit your health? Besides, isn’t it toxic?" Urine as a lifesaver: During the NBC Nightly News on October 16, 1992, Tom Brokaw reported that, "In Egypt, rescue workers found a 37-year old man alive in earthquake rubble. He survived almost 82 hours by drinking his own urine. His wife, daughter and mother would not and they died" ( ). We’ve all heard stories of individuals who have either lived or died by being trapped in places without food or water for days. In those stories, the survivors were always the ones that drank their own urine. The ones that died probably could not overcome the misguided thoughts that urine is an unhealthy waste product of the body. But it’s not; urine is simply a substance that the body does not need at the time, and a substance that the body secretes. And sometimes, it’s a lifesaver. What’s in urine? Urine, 95% of which is water, 2.5% of which is urea, and 2.5% of which is a mixture of minerals, salts, hormones, and enzymes, is not a toxic waste product.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

How do composers use distinctively visual techniques Essay

How do composers use distinctively visual techniques to shape our interpretations of the world? Composers use distinctively visual techniques to shape the audiences interpretations of the world. John Misto’s play ‘The Shoe-horn Sonata and the RTA advertisement ‘Notes’ uses distinctively visual techniques such as dialogue, photographic images, and music to effectively shape the audiences interpretations of the world. Firstly Misto uses dialogue as a distinctively visual technique in his play ‘The Shoe Horn Sonata to shape the audiences interpretations of the world. Misto uses juxtaposition as the dialogue consists of both private and public conversations which create powerful links between the two characters. The first scene shows Bridie re-enacting the kowtow, a tribute to the emperor of Japan. This kowtow was done when a Japanese guard would cry out ‘Keirei’. Stage directions allow the readers to visualise exactly how the composer wants i t to be performed. The audience is able relate in some way and feels engaged with Bridie at this point. Misto then uses photographic images, projected on a screen behind Bridie to support the dialogue. These images consist of several 1940 posters for the womens army, as well as photographs of the Australian army nurses disembarking in Singapore. Not even halfway through scene 1 the use of dialogue and photographic images have raised a concern to the audience of the pain and suffering that many women endured at the hands of the Japanese, yet their stories were not widely known. This has shaped their interpretations of war vastly, as there is much more horror, truth and death involved then just men on the front line. In the RTA advertisement ‘Notes’ the use of no dialogue is so the importance of photographic images is essential for conveying the point of view of the advertisement, which is ‘slow down’. The photographic images show the last message left by each young person and the rush they are in. The images are shown in a slow motion effect which gives the audience time think of the situations and then evokes an emotional response. The images show the surroundings of where how the message was left, this shows that these people come from all different family backgrounds and have a relationship with members of their family. Therefore we realize that these rushing deaths can happen to anyone, regardless of who you are. This shapes the viewer’s interpretation of the world showing that rushing is not worth the consequences of speeding and therefore reinforces the importance of slowing  down. Lastly in ‘Shoe Horn Sonata’ Misto uses music from the period to go with images projected. The use of music adds emotion to the play and It places the audience in the historical context and in some parts it suggests the irony of the situations the women went through. An example is when Bridie criticises the British, the song ‘Rule Britannia’ is played. This song is very patriotic and helps us understand the irony of the situation. The use of music creates emotion within the audience helps shape their interpretation of war, as there is much more horror, truth and death involved then just men on the front line. In the RTA advertisement ‘Notes’ the slow solemn music is used to arouse emotion within the audience. This shapes the audiences interpretations of the world because the slow musical beat actually relaxes the audience therefore causing them to slow down and think about the consequences of speeding and the importance of not rushing. John Misto’s play ‘The Shoe-horn Sonata and the RTA advertisement ‘Notes’ uses distinctively visual techniques to effectively shape the audiences interpretations of the world. This is done brilliantly by an impressive use of dialogue, photographic images, and musi c.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Hamlet Quotations Act 1 Essay

Hamlet Quotations Act 1 INSTRUCTIONS:î€Æ' Forî€Æ'eachî€Æ'quote:î€Æ' (a)î€Æ'î€Æ'Identifyî€Æ'theî€Æ'speaker,î€Æ'toî€Æ'whomî€Æ'itî€Æ'isî€Æ'addressed,î€Æ'andî€Æ'theî€Æ'situation,î€Æ' (b)î€Æ'î€Æ'Explainî€Æ'(inî€Æ'detail)î€Æ'theî€Æ'significanceî€Æ'ofî€Æ'theî€Æ'quoteî€Æ'inî€Æ'termsî€Æ'ofî€Æ'allî€Æ'thatî€Æ'apply:î€Æ'î€Æ'themes,î€Æ'characterî€Æ'revelation,î€Æ'plotî€Æ' development,î€Æ'dramaticî€Æ'devicesî€Æ'(irony,î€Æ'foreshadowing†¦),î€Æ'poeticî€Æ'devicesî€Æ'(simile,î€Æ'metaphor,î€Æ'alliteration†¦),î€Æ'etc.î€Æ' (c)î€Æ'î€Æ'Uploadî€Æ'toî€Æ'turnitin.comî€Æ' EXAMPLE:î€Æ' â€Å"Thisî€Æ'bodesî€Æ'someî€Æ'strangeî€Æ'eruptionî€Æ'toî€Æ'ourî€Æ'state.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' (a)​î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'Horatioî€Æ'isî€Æ'speakingî€Æ'toî€Æ'MarcellusÍ ¾Ã®â‚¬Æ'Horatioî€Æ'isî€Æ'referringî€Æ'toî€Æ'theî€Æ'ghostî€Æ'ofî€Æ'Hamletî€Æ'Sr.î€Æ'thatî€Æ'theyî€Æ'haveî€Æ'justî€Æ'witnessed.î€Æ'î€Æ' (b)​î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'Horatioî€Æ'believesî€Æ'thatî€Æ'theî€Æ'ghostî€Æ'isî€Æ'appearingî€Æ'becauseî€Æ'foulî€Æ'playî€Æ'wasî€Æ'involvedî€Æ'withî€Æ'Hamletî€Æ'Sr.’sî€Æ'death.î€Æ'î€Æ'Heî€Æ'isî€Æ'notî€Æ'positiveî€Æ' aboutî€Æ'it,î€Æ'butî€Æ'heî€Æ'knowsî€Æ'thatî€Æ'somethingî€Æ'â€Å"strange†Ã®â‚¬Æ'isî€Æ'happening.î€Æ'î€Æ'Thisî€Æ'eventî€Æ'putsî€Æ'theî€Æ'actionî€Æ'ofî€Æ'theî€Æ'playî€Æ'inî€Æ'motionî€Æ'(plotî€Æ' development).î€Æ'î€Æ'Also,î€Æ'theî€Æ'commentî€Æ'foreshadowsî€Æ'theî€Æ'impendingî€Æ'doomî€Æ'thatî€Æ'Denmarkî€Æ'mayî€Æ'beî€Æ'facing.î€Æ' 1.î€Æ' â€Å"Aî€Æ'littleî€Æ'moreî€Æ'thanî€Æ'kin,î€Æ'andî€Æ'lessî€Æ'thanî€Æ'kind.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 2.î€Æ' â€Å"Weî€Æ'prayî€Æ'youî€Æ'throwî€Æ'toî€Æ'earthî€Æ'thisî€Æ'unprevailingî€Æ'woe,î€Æ'andî€Æ'thinkî€Æ'ofî€Æ'usî€Æ'asî€Æ'aî€Æ'father†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã®â‚¬Æ' 3.î€Æ' â€Å"Oî€Æ'thatî€Æ'thisî€Æ'tooî€Æ'tooî€Æ'sulliedî€Æ'fleshî€Æ'wouldî€Æ'melt†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã®â‚¬Æ' 4.î€Æ' î€Æ'â€Å"Frailty,î€Æ'thyî€Æ'nameî€Æ'isî€Æ'woman†¦Oî€Æ'mostî€Æ'wickedî€Æ'speed!î€Æ'Toî€Æ'postî€Æ'withî€Æ'suchî€Æ'dexterityî€Æ'toî€Æ'incestuousî€Æ'sheets!†Ã®â‚¬Æ' â€Å"Doî€Æ'notî€Æ'asî€Æ'someî€Æ'ungraciousî€Æ'pastorsî€Æ'do,î€Æ'showî€Æ'meî€Æ'theî€Æ'steepî€Æ'andî€Æ'thornyî€Æ'wayî€Æ'toî€Æ'heaven,î€Æ'whileî€Æ'likeî€Æ'aî€Æ'puff’dî€Æ' andî€Æ'recklessî€Æ'libertineî€Æ'himselfî€Æ'theî€Æ'primroseî€Æ'pathî€Æ'ofî€Æ'dallianceî€Æ'treads†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã®â‚¬Æ' 6.î€Æ' î€Æ'â€Å"Thisî€Æ'aboveî€Æ'all:î€Æ'toî€Æ'thineî€Æ'ownî€Æ'selfî€Æ'beî€Æ'true†¦Ã¢â‚¬ Ã®â‚¬Æ' 7.î€Æ' î€Æ'â€Å"Whenî€Æ'theî€Æ'bloodî€Æ'burns,î€Æ'howî€Æ'prodigalî€Æ'theî€Æ'soulî€Æ'lendsî€Æ'theî€Æ'tongueî€Æ'vows.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 8.î€Æ' î€Æ'â€Å"Theî€Æ'dramî€Æ'ofî€Æ'evilî€Æ'dothî€Æ'allî€Æ'theî€Æ'nobleî€Æ'substanceî€Æ'î€Æ'oftenî€Æ'doutî€Æ'toî€Æ'hisî€Æ'ownî€Æ'scandal.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 9.î€Æ' î€Æ'â€Å"Somethingî€Æ'isî€Æ'rottenî€Æ'inî€Æ'theî€Æ'stateî€Æ'ofî€Æ'Denmark.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 10.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Revengeî€Æ'hisî€Æ'foulî€Æ'andî€Æ'mostî€Æ'unnaturalî€Æ'murder.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 11.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Hasteî€Æ'meî€Æ'toî€Æ'know’t,î€Æ'thatî€Æ'Iî€Æ'withî€Æ'wingsî€Æ'asî€Æ'swiftî€Æ'asî€Æ'meditationî€Æ'orî€Æ'theî€Æ'thoughtsî€Æ'ofî€Æ'loveî€Æ'mayî€Æ'sweepî€Æ'toî€Æ'myî€Æ'revenge.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 12.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Theî€Æ'serpentî€Æ'thatî€Æ'didî€Æ'stingî€Æ'yourî€Æ'father’sî€Æ'lifeî€Æ'nowî€Æ'wearsî€Æ'hisî€Æ'crown.†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ Oî€Æ'myî€Æ'propheticî€Æ'soul!î€Æ'Myî€Æ'uncle!†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 13.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Oî€Æ'mostî€Æ'perniciousî€Æ'woman!î€Æ'î€Æ'Oî€Æ'villain,î€Æ'villain,î€Æ'smilingî€Æ'damnedî€Æ'villain!†¦Thatî€Æ'oneî€Æ'mayî€Æ'smile,î€Æ'andî€Æ'smile,î€Æ'andî€Æ'beî€Æ'aî€Æ' villain.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 14.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Thereî€Æ'areî€Æ'moreî€Æ'thingsî€Æ'inî€Æ'heavenî€Æ'andî€Æ'earth,î€Æ'†¦Thanî€Æ'areî€Æ'dreamtî€Æ'ofî€Æ'inî€Æ'yourî€Æ'philosophy.†Ã®â‚¬Æ' 15.î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'î€Æ'â€Å"Theî€Æ'timeî€Æ'isî€Æ'outî€Æ'ofî€Æ'joint.î€Æ'î€Æ'Oî€Æ'cursedî€Æ'spite,î€Æ'thatî€Æ'Iî€Æ'wasî€Æ'bornî€Æ'toî€Æ'setî€Æ'itî€Æ'right.†Ã®â‚¬Æ'

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Learning Disabilities Why Self esteem Essay

As a child goes through teenage life, he or she is exposed to many different challenges, stressors, and prospects. An imperative factor in handling these challenges is a positive self-concept and high self-esteem. Through teenage life, schools should be preparing students to become a comfy part of the general population, quickly bending to their environs (Saghatoleslami, 2010). A population of students that necessitate closer attention are Learners who have been diagnosed with a learning disability. Learners with learning disabilities are likely to represent 2% to 10% of the student population (Reese, Bird, &Tripp, 2007). Learners with learning disabilities tussle with self-concept and self-esteem, which in tum can lead to amendment difficulties, substance abuse, depression, and suicide ideation. It is, therefore, essential to monitor the self-worth of students and help mend and advance their self-concept and self-esteem. When bearing in mind students with learning disabilities, it is important to weigh their self-concept and self-esteem in a different way, understanding different social factors that come into play (Moller & Pohlmann, 2009). There are many facets to self-concept and self-esteem, and coping with a learning disability has an influence on a student’s quality of life. For both students with LD and students who have not been diagnosed with LD, active parental involvement can directly influence a student’s self-concept and self-esteem (Saghatoleslami, 2010). The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, Public Law, splits 12 types of categorizations of learning disabilities, in which children may be fit for special education and interrelated services. These types are; (a) autism, (b)deafness, (c)deaf-blindness, (d)hearing impairment, (e) mental retardation, (f) multiple disabilities, (g) orthopedic impairment, (h) severe emotional disturbance, (i) visual impairment, (j) speech or language impairment, (k) traumatic brain injury, (l) and specific learning disability (Moller & Pohlmann, 2009). Autism is an age-linked disability significantly affecting verbal and non-verbal communication and social relations, typically evident before age three. Deafness is an earshot impairment that is so austere that the child is lessened in processing linguistic info, with or without augmentation; deaf-blindness is a synchronized visual and hearing impairments. Hearing impairment is of the audible range, whether perpetual or mutable. Mental hindrance re lates to suggestively below usual general cerebral functioning, which prevail concurrently with shortfalls in adaptive performance. Multiple disabilities: the exhibition of 2 or more disabilities such as mental retardation-blindness, an amalgamation that involves special accommodation for ultimate learning (Moller & Pohlmann, 2009). Additionally, there are corporal impairments; orthopedic impairment is physical disabilities, which include congenital impairments, caused by illness, and impairments from further causes (Berdine, 2010). Grave emotional disorder is a disability where a child of typical intellect, has strain over time and to a patent degree, building pleasing interpersonal relationships; (a) retorts inappropriately psychologically or emotionally under ordinary circumstances; (b) exhibits a pervasive mood of unhappiness; (c) or has a propensity to develop physical signs or fears. Detailed learning disability is a malady in one or more of the basic psychosomatic processes convoluted in understanding or in expending language, written or spoken, which may patent itself in an imperfect knack to speak, read spell, think, write, or do mathematical calculations; dialogue or language impairment: a communication (Moller & Pohlmann, 2009). Disorder such as stuttering, impaired articulation, a type of linguistic impairment, or the voice impairment can be considered a detailed learning disability. Traumatic brain injury is an assimilated injury to the brain caused by a marginal physical force, resulting in partial or total functional disability or psychosocial impairment or possibly both (Berdine, 2010). Visual impairment is a pictorial struggle (including blindness) that, even with correction, unfavorably affects a child educational performance. Learning disabilities can disturb students in diverse manners. As studies designate, self-concept and self-esteem are two vital elements during a student’s foundational years. Throughout this time, students begin to express and realize who they will turn into as grownups. The self-concept that is established during this time canines over into maturity (Elbaum & Vaughn, 2010). For this purpose, it is vital to consider the adverse effects of LD, especially during a teenager life. Dyson points out that children who have proficient denial, disgrace, and disappointment have outlooks of low self-worth and defenselessness (2008). Both students with LD and students without LD exhibit varying levels of self-concept and self-esteem. These self-concepts adapt and grow as a student develops from childhood, through adolescence, and into adulthood. Students with LD reported that they felt worse about their general intellectual ability than students without LD (Moller & Pohlmann, 2009). This can result in negative self-concept and low self-esteem. By implementing evidence-based interventions, students with LD can develop a positive self-concept and improve their self-esteem. One such response includes positive parental involvement. When parents are involved in the lives of their children in a positive way, the self-concept and self-esteem of their child improves. A challenge of active parental involvement pertains to the difficulties of communicating with a child who has LD (Dyson, 2008). Utilizing parental programs to overcome such adversities positively affects the parent/child relationship. Through this active int eraction, adolescents with LD improved academically and emotionally. A lot of children with LD get these emotions more often than students with no LD. This can have a philosophical effect on their educational self-concept as well as their general self-esteem. The importance of this topic is substantial, as the American Psychiatric Association (2007) establish that between 3% and 8% of the learners’ population, especially children are affected by LD. Utilizing the Self-Perception Profile for teenagers, Moller and (2009) established that high school learners with LD conveyed they felt worse about their general mental ability than did students not diagnosed with LD. Furthermore, using the Piers-Harris Children’s Self-Concept Scale, it has been shown that students with LD scored significantly lower on the subscale of Intellectual and School Status. This is significant because these students were in separate classes with other students in special education (SPED), including students with emotional disturbances or cognitive impairments. When students are deliberately taken out of the general classroom, it becomes apparent to them that they are different from typically developing students. By separating students, it can have an adverse effect on their self-concept. This can have an adverse consequence on their self-esteem and academic achievement (Ochoa& Emler, 2007). The response to this unruly is not as easy as moving towards an inclusive system where students with LD learn with typically developing students. In a study shepherded by Barrera, it was revealed that the self-concepts of students with learning disabilities attending comprehensive schools were inferior to those of their classmates devoid of learning disabilities (2009). The discoveries are all too shared, since a meta-analysis prepared by Barrera established the same incongruity (2009). Due to these common judgments, many schools have relocated away from an integrative class. In other situations, the self-concepts of students with learning disabilities may be improved through adapting instruction to the wants of each student (Elbaum & Vaughn, 2010). Constructing the best erudition environment for each student wishes to be a precedence within the overall school system. Once students with LD associated themselves with others with LD, they conveyed that they felt improved about their recital than children with LD, who likened themselves to their aristocracies without LD (Ochoa & Emler, 2007). This largesse contradictory information. When unraveling students with LD from archetypal students, it can have an undesirable consequence on their self-concept and self-esteem. On the affirmative side, nevertheless, when students with LD are studying with other students with LD, they may incline to compare themselves to their partners with LD. This outcome in a more optimistic self-concept and advanced self-esteem in students with LD. Every school is exclusive in its tactic to students with LD, and it is significant to consider these educations when determining whether or not students with LD should be encompassed in the general classroom or placed in a distinct studying setting. Age is an imperative factor in appreciating what the best intervention is for a st udent with LD. While academic interventions were most consistently effective for elementary students, counseling interventions were the most reliably effective for middle and high school students (Elbaum & Vaughn, 2010). These results have an effect on the academic self-concept for the student and do not necessarily hold true for other dimensions of self-concept. Elbaum and Vaughn also pointed out that, overall, counseling and mediated interventions were the only interventions that had a significant effect on general self-concept (2010). These findings complement previous statements regarding the importance of creating an intervention strategy that is malleable, as well as unique to each student who passes through the intervention plan (Reese, Bird, &Tripp, 2007). To create a single intervention strategy, it may be useful for a school to use the interpersonal competence profile. By using the ICS-T and the ICS-S and comparing the two, a unique strategy can be created for each student that best serve s his or her learning style. This tool can be useful to determine if an inclusive or separated intervention strategy would best help each student with LD. The insight provided by Berdine; because self-knowledge emerges from, and is sustained by, our experiences with others, negative self-views have interpersonal as well as personal components (2010). This means that for people to enjoy improvements in their â€Å"self-views†, changes must occur not only in the way they think about themselves, but also in the environments that sustain their own self-views (Berdine, 2010). The value of this quote is substantial. Not only is this positive self-concept paramount for students with LD, it is also significant for everyone. Our experiences in life and our perception of who we are define what we eventually become. In Positive Teacher and Parental Involvement, it is important for teachers and parents to affect the self-concept and self-esteem of students with LD by remaining positive and encouraging them to succeed. This is evident, as it was exhibited that there was an incongruity between self-assessments of students with LD and their ed ucators’ verdicts. They discovered that students alleged themselves to be more proficient than their teachers rule on them. Furthermore, Moller and Pohlmann (2009) indicated that teachers were commonly unaware of students’ perceptions of abilities. For better communication between teachers and students, it may be beneficial for tutors to devote time to students to converse their perceived strongholds and weaknesses. When parents were positively involved in the lives of their children, the self-concept of their children was affected in a positive way (Ochoa& Emler, 2007). The student’s paternities can also petition or appeal to the learning institution, or to the director of distinctive education and complain of their child being gaged. They may sense that the child is not developing as he, or she ought to be, or identify or detect certain glitches in how the child does. If the school believes that the child, undeniably have a disability, then the school must perform a valuation. If conservatory staff do not sustain that the learner has a disability, they may well decline to consider the child, but should apprise the parents in lettering as to their whys and wherefores for rebuffing. If parents believe intensely that their child does, certainly, have a disability that needs special edification, they may entreaty a due process earshot, where they will have the chance to spectate why they believe their juvenile should be appraised. To be assessed, there are numerous of probable assessments that are acknowledged in the IDEA, that is, Individuals w ith Disabilities Education Act (Elbaum & Vaughn, 2010). When parents interacted and maintained, a positive attitude with their children, a more positive self-concept was developed and self-esteem was raised (Berdine, 2010). Conversely, when the interaction between parent and child was minimal, or family communication was poor, negative self-concept and low self-esteem resulted. Dyson (2008) found that children with LD themselves can contribute to a lack of communication between child and parent. In line, child and parental cognitive-behavioral factors reciprocally amplify one another over time. For parents of high school students with LD, communication was often directly related to the nature of the learning disability (Berdine, 2010). When a parent and child were unable to communicate wholly due to the child’s disability, it adversely affected the relationship. This alone is reason enough for parents of children with LD to explore various options for the betterment of communication with their children. When this lack of communicat ion compounds over time, stress can be built up for the child as well as the parent. If the guardian of a child with LD exhibits stress surrounding their child’s disability, that child tends to have problems with social competence as well as display more behavior problems (Dyson,2008). This presents a direct correlation between parental stress regarding a child’s disability and the self-concept and behavior of that child. When parents show a positive environment for their child with LD, it helps to reinforce a sense of positive self-concept and high self-esteem. Children with LD have a strong academic self-concept and high self-esteem when they receive positive feedback from teachers and parents (Dyson, 2008). When children have a healthy self-concept, they are less likely to have a low self-esteem (Reese, Bird, & Tripp, 2007). To determine if a child is adequate for classification in one of these regions of exceptionality, an individualized appraisal or valuation, of the child must be carried out. This is accomplished through IDEA. The IDEA stipulates a number of requirements regarding estimates of children alleged of having a disability. While a more comprehensive description of these requirements is presented in the Persons with Disabilities Education Act, these rations are briefly summarized as follows: In advance a child is evaluated for the first time, the school district must acquaint parents in writing (Berdine, 2010). Parent’s commitment gives written consent for the school system to carry out this first evaluation also identified as a pre-placement appraisal. Evaluations must be accompanied by a multidisciplinary team such as speech and dialectal pathologist, occupational or physical therapist, medical specialists, and school psychologist. They must include at least one teacher or sentinel who is knowledgeable about the area of the child’s alleged disability. The assessment must carefully investigate all areas related to the child’s suspected impairment (Dyson, 2008). Indeed not a sole technique may be used as the sole norm for determining a child’s eligibility for special services or for deciding his or her suitable educational placement. Moderately, the evaluation method must utilize a variety of valid evaluation instruments and observational data. All testing must be done independently. Trials and other evaluation materials must be delivered in the child’s primary language or manner of communication, unless it is evidently non-realistic genuine to implement. All tests and other evaluation resources must be authenticated for the particular drive for which they are used. This tells that a test may not be used to evaluate a student in an exact area unless the test has been premeditated and validated through examination as measuring that definite area. Valuations must be conducted in a fair way. This means that the trials and evaluation resources and procedures that are the castoff may not be ethnically or culturally prejudiced agains t the child (Montgomery, 2011). The assessment team must guarantee that any test used is administered correctly by a person fitted to do so, that the test is being used for the objectives for which it was meant, and that the child’s disability does not conflict with the child’s ability to take any test measuring specific abilities, the child’s visual impairment changes his or her ability to read and rightly answer the questions on an test. Suitable, comprehensively, and accurately assessing a child with an alleged disability clearly presents a substantial challenge to the assessment team (Dyson, 2008). Valuation in educational locales serves five main purposes: (a) screening and proof of identity: (b) to screen children and recognize those who may be experiencing delays or learning problems; (c) eligibility and diagnosis: to govern whether a child has a disability and is entitled to special education amenities, and to analyze the specific nature of the student’s glitches or disability;(d ) IEP growth and placement: to provide comprehensive evidence so that an Individualized Education Program (IEP) can be enhanced and proper decisions may be implemented of the child’s educational placement; (e) instructional scheduling: to develop and plan instruction apt to the child’s individual needs; and evaluation: to assess student development. (Berdine, 2010). One program that was used to influence parental/child interaction positively was Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP). (Barrera, 2009) Used STEP to deliver parents with training on how to answer more positively to their children. The outcomes displayed that parents had a very strong influence on their children’s self-concept. Additionally, Barrere suggested that classroom interventions to augment self-concept might be enhanced by involving parents in a synergistically designed parent program (2009). As previously mentioned, students with LD are more likely to struggle with social competence (Dyson, 2008). Having active parental involvement in the life of a student with LD helps facilitate improvement in this realm, thus positively influencing a student’s self-concept (Dyson, 2008). Intervention strategies for students with LD within the school setting resulted in underwhelming outcomes at times. To better the chances of success, schools may see benefits by involving parents in their intervention strategies. When parents interacted with their children frequently, positive outcomes generally occurred. As Reese, Bird, and Tripp (2007) found parent-child conversations regarding positive past events contained the highest amount of emotional talk regarding the child. Additionally, during conflict discussions, a moderate amount of positive talk was found. This positive talk can have a profound effect on the self-concept of a child. The link between conversations regarding past positive events and children’s self-esteem was substantial (Brown && Hooper, 2009). In Critical Analysis, there were three main research questions addressed in this studies: (1) what is the dissimilarity stuck between self-esteem and self-concept? As the constructs of self-concept and self-esteem share similarities, it is important to delineate the two constructs in order to depict their differences clearly. Self-concept is defined as people’s overall composite or collective view of themselves through multidimensional sets of domain-specific perceptions. These judgments are based on self-knowledge and evaluation of value or worth of one’s competences formed through involvements with and understandings of the environment. A person’s self-concept not only comes from internal individual perceptions, but can also be influenced by different experiences and external information from others. People’s self-concept addresses a more factual side of their life, such as knowing what they enjoy or what they tend to think about themselves. Self-esteem, as defined by Ochoa and Emler, is the sense an individual has about himself or herself that affects the way he/she views himself or herself (2007). These opinions include self-observations, perceived feelings of him/herself, and self-knowledge. How the individual feels is addressed within self-esteem, whereas self-concept addresses what the person thinks or sees about himself or herself. Self-concept is a construct that stays relatively constant over time, while self-esteem can vary throughout a person’s lifetime (Berdine, 2010). (2) How do students with learning disabilities and scholars who have not been established with a learning disability compared in regards to self-concept and self-esteem? Present study endorses that there is an alteration in the levels of self-concept and self-esteem between students who have been detected as having learning disabilities and students who have not been analyzed as having a learning disability. Barrera, (2009) established that high school students with LD reported that they felt worse about their general Intellectual ability than did students who have not been diagnosed with LD. Students with Learning disabilities who were in separate classes with other students in SPED, such as students with emotional disturbances or cognitive impairments, were found to have a lower self-concept on the Intellectual and School Status subscale. This finding suggests that the separation of the individual with a learning disability from the general education classroom can have an adverse e ffect on the student’s self-concept. Comparatively, Brown and Hooper (2009) showed that students with learning disabilities attending inclusive schools had a lower self-concept than classmates without a learning disability. Whether students are included in the general education classroom or separated and placed with other students with disabilities, their self-concept was consistently lower than that of students without disabilities (Montgomery, 2011). It is important to note the research that the self-concepts of students with disabilities can be heightened through tailoring instruction to the needs of the individual student. According to Saghatoleslami when students with LD compared themselves to other peers with LD, they felt better about their performance than did children with LD, who associated themselves with their peers without LD (Saghatoleslami, 2010). These findings suggested that pairing students within the general classroom on the basis of instructional level and individual needs positively influenced the self-concept and self-esteem of pupils with learning disabilities. (3) Does the level of active parental and teacher involvement have an effect on a student’s self-concept and self-esteem? According to the existing research, active parental and teacher involvement has a positive impact on student’s self-concept and self-esteem. Dyson (2008) found that children with LD have a positive academic self-concept and high self-esteem when they receive positive feedback from teachers and parents. The environment the parent provides, as well as the dialog between the guardian and the youth, are both factors that play a role in the student’s development of self-concept and self-esteem. For instance, Dyson (2008) found that if a parent of a child with LD exhibits stress surrounding their learner’s disability, that child tended to have problems with social competence as well as display more behavior problems. When parents presented a positive environment for their child with LD, it helped to reinforce a positive self-concept and a sen se of high self-esteem. Additionally, communication was often related to the nature of the learning disability, especially when the parent and the child were not able to communicate due to the child’s disability. This, in turn, adversely affected the relationship between a parent and child (Ochoa && Emler, 2007). It was supported that with positive interaction and a parent’s positive attitude toward their children, a more positive self-concept was developed and self-esteem was raised from the child (Montgomery, 2011). The emphasis is a positive interaction and support from the parent to positively influence self-concept and self-esteem. Along with a positive stress, there is also a weight on alliance between the home and school to upkeep consistency between the two settings. Saghatoleslami (2010) found that active parental involvement in a wellness-based prevention program in schools was helpful in building positive self-concepts in children and college students. Additionally, Montgomery, (2011) suggested that classroom interventions used to increase self-concept might be enhanced by involving parents. The involvement of parents or other supportive figures, bettered the chances of success across settings, as there were collaboration and communication occurring between parents and teachers. A limitation of the analysis is the broadness of the subjects. While there is an assortment of LD types, there was no sub-typing of LD in this study. Furthermore, self-concept and self-esteem were measured on a broad scale, with minor sub-typing of self-concept. Socioeconomic status, ethnicity, gender, and physical attractiveness were not taken into consideration when measuring a student’s self-concept or self-esteem(Dyson, 2008). Finally, this studies are not applicable across cultures. The vast majority of research reviewed was conducted in the United States. Based on the analysis, it is clear that the most complex measure of self-concept and self-esteem is necessary. In future research, obtaining more data regarding self-concept and self-esteem will make additional subtypes available, both for these two domains, as well as subtypes of LD (Reese, Bird, &Tripp, 2007). Further implementations need to be aimed at supporting students with LD. The focus of future support for students with LD should be not only academic, but have emotional and psychological support as well. Many interventions are aimed at improving the grades of students with LD. In addition to this, specific attention should be placed on the betterment of their self-concept, as well as the improvement of their self-esteem. Both teachers and paternities should be included in future studies to promote positive self-concepts and increase self-esteem. Through in future studies, effective evidence-based solutions will be found. References American Psychiatric Association. (2007). Diagnostic and statistics: manual of Mental Disorders. Washington, DC: Author. Barrera, M. (2009). Roles of definitional and assessment representations in the identification of new or second language learners of English for special education. Journal of Learning Disabilities. Berdine, W. H., (2010). Assessment in Special Education (5th Ed.) Boston: Little Brown. Brown, F J. Hooper, S. 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